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Become a Member

To inquire about membership, please email:

There are two Membership Types:

INDIVIDUAL ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP - Membership in CBOP is open to grassroots organizations that subscribe to the mission and vision that CBOP embraces. Potential members must apply online. Upon approval of membership, new members are required to sign a membership memorandum of Understanding/Agreement (MOU/A) and pay the annual dues, currently $120/year or $10 per month.


The online membership application.

CBOP makes available training on grant writing and how to become a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Foundations make grants to organizations that hold the 501(c)3 tax exemption. Grassroots organizations that do not hold the 501(c)3 tax exemptions are required to have a fiscal sponsor to receive grants funds for projects. CBOP member organizations are eligible for CBOP’s fiscal sponsorship services.

Meetings are open and any number of representatives from each member organization may attend; however, only one vote is allowed per organization at the annual meeting.



AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP - an INDIVIDUAL or ORGANIZATIONAL member (other than a community-based organization, such as a hospital or university) who is committed to the work of CBOP and willing to adhere to the CBOP Operating Procedures. Affiliate members do not have voting privileges.


The online membership application.





CHAPTER ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS - Applicants for new chapters are welcome to contact CBOP by email at




Dear Potential Member

Often times in collaborative partnerships, institutions such as Universities, Federal and State Departments, Medical and Health Care Institutions, Financial Entities, and Law Enforcement Agencies partner with the community in an effort to improve the conditions of the community. Each of those institutions come to the table with one unified voice, while community-based organizations usually have several voices led by the various and varied missions of each organization. The need for collectively unifying the community as one voice in collaborative partnerships is critical. For this cause, the Community Based Organization Partners (CBOP) cordially invites you to join our effort of building capacity by unifying and strengthening the community as one voice. As a national organization with chapters across the country, we endeavor to advocate for the social and health equity of all citizens with a special focus on African American and other minority communities, which suffer more disproportionately from health and social disparities and inequities.

The CBOP purpose is to provide a structure and forum through which the Community Based Organizations can exchange ideas, offer services, and develop programs in the interest of the African American Community and the community at large. The CBOP strives to work in cooperation and collaboration, to support, develop, and sponsor community-based welfare projects and programs, which will serve the interest of the community. The CBOP focus is to advocate and engage in activities of Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR), community health, social planning, social welfare, health department, higher education, and agencies/groups in or serving the community.

Membership in CBOP provides many benefits both locally and nationally. Benefits include: collectively building a network of community-centered organizations; serving as a clearinghouse for research in the African American community; provid a forum for dialogue, planning, and mobilization around critical issues in the community; provide venues for community education; serve as a mechanism to promote community engagement initiatives, programs, and research; and finally to set the community’s social and health agenda and provide annual report out celebrations to the community.


Sincerely, E Hill De Loney


E Hill De Loney


Executive Director


Community-Based organizations

have made tremendous contributions in improving the lives of others in the communities in critical areas



PO Box 442

Flint Michigan 48501

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Contact us below for any questions, inquiries or concerns. 

Thanks for submitting!

© 2022 by Community Based Organization Partners | Website created by Artish Design 

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